The registration process depends on if we have details on you in our original database already.

Step 1: Enter your details to find out if you're already registered

Go to the registration page and enter your name and date of birth. You'll also need to provide an email address that will become your login.


If you're found in the database If you're not in the database

Step 2: Verification

In order to protect the privacy of our members, an Iwi Administrator may contact you to verify your request for a login

Step 2: Registration and Verification

If you're not in the database, you'll be taken to the full registration form where you can provide information about yourself and your whakapapa.

Once you have registered, our Iwi Administrators may contact you to verify your registration

Step 3: Create password

If you're successfully verified, you'll receive an email welcoming you. This email will include a special link allowing you to set a password for the first time


Step 4: Done!

You can now manage your details online. Over time we'll be adding more features to the database site, so check back often!.